Story of my life...but yes, I am behind. :-)
I can't believe these pictures are from last weekend! My fabulous friend Jennifer threw me a spectacular baby shower at Mi Cocina. For those of you that know me and my husband, we LOVE Mi Cocina, so it only seemed appropriate to celebrate there. You can tell by the pictures that we had a great time!! Thank you so much to everyone who came out!!
Be prepared for photo overload!
30 Week Belly Photo!

My friend Elizabeth brought her 5 day old baby girl and Brian got to test out what a newborn feels like!

Yummy red velvet cupcakes

This would be Jennifer!

My Dad Runs Like Forrest Gump!

Look who showed up!

Belly Train With My Inlaws!

Ok, ok, normal photo

Denise & Brian's Dad


Elizabeth & 5 Day Old Natalie

Playing "Measure the belly"

My two lovely lady friends Laura & Jennifer

Me & Lori

Looks like Mama Dorn has been drinkin'

My cake! Matches the nursery!