I love being outside between 8pm and 8:30pm! It's my favorite time of night. What makes it better is when it's about to storm!! It's 9pm as I'm typing this and no sign of rain yet, but I'm hopeful. Here's a couple pics from my 30 minutes in heaven!! All of these are SOOC (straight out of camera), so no photoshopping involved! Enjoy!!
Yes, I have wild peacocks roaming free in my neighborhood....I HATE THEM!!
This is one from my parents backyard last month.
Trying out my new lens! Man, I love this thing!!

How pretty is this??
Sorry about the power lines, I can't get high enough to shoot above them. Maybe someone will let me climb on their house!! hint hint
I love this shot!!
Another shot from my parents back yard.
Maybe I'm alone, but fire is COOL!!!